Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Poverty and Child Abuse

Every child despite his individual differences and uniqueness is to be considered of equal worth. He should therefore be entitled to equal social, economic, civil and political rights, so that he may fully realise his inherent potential and share equally in life (Gill, 1979).
 Obviously, these values are rooted in the humanistic philosophy of any nation's declaration of independence. In accordance with these value premises therefore “any act of commission or omission by individuals, institutions or the society as a whole, and any conditions which deprive children of equal rights and liberties and interfere with their optimal development, constitutes by definition abuse or neglectful acts or conditions” (Gill, 1979). Child abuse is a significant contemporary community problem. Although children have been maltreated throughout history, our community has been silent in defence of abused children. Child abuse is not a phenomenon of the 20th Century nor is it unique to our society and culture alone. It has occurred throughout the recorded history of man. The future of any nation depends on its children and their capabilities. For this reason, they must be given a full chance.

Being young is hard enough but having to live through pain and torment while growing up is grueling. A UNICEF reports shows that estimates of eight million Nigerian children are involve in hazardous and exploitative work. It’s frightening to know that every ten seconds child is abused. In Nigeria today child abuse kills more than accident in the homes.


Throughout history children were considered the property of their parents, and therefore used as they deem fit. This slave like relationship led to increase of children who experienced abuse may adopt this behaviour as a model for their own parenting.


Children are abused in numerous ways physically, emotionally and sexually. Abuse affects people in various ways, and in the process of growing up, many do not realize the problems they encounter are directly attributed to the abuse. Seventy percent           (70%) of the children abused and neglected numerous kinds of dubious characters. The fatalities were to children under the age of five years old. Small children are especially vulnerable to physical injury such as road accident, ritual killings hunger and all sort of hazards.


Children are been abuse in different way. Ranging from child labour, begging, sexual harassment, human trafficking, molestation by parents or foster parents etc.


Most children are molested and abuse by their parents, the people suppose to show then love and affection. Beating of children is almost universal in Nigeria homes and is applied frequently, as a mode of discipline for almost any type of misdemeanor, however trivial. Some forms of punishment meted out to children are extremely harsh and are both physically and emotionally dangerous. An example is the cutting of incisions on the backs of children’s hands as a punishment for petty stealing within the household, resulting sometimes in infection and leaving permanent marks of shame. Sometimes, pepper is applied to the incisions, or to sensitive parts of the body such as eyes or genital to cause excruciating pains.


Two groups of children tend to be especially vulnerable to the risk of abuse with the home. The first are foster children who according to the 1999 Nigeria demographic and health survey (NDHS), are to be found in nine percent 9% of Nigerian household.


Traditionally. It was a wide spread cultural practice for poor families to make arrangements for the fostering of one or more of their children, usually with more prosperous relatives or community leaders, pastors, teachers or malamai, the aim is to improve opportunities for education and eventual employment in exchange for the child’s labour.


Increasingly, this traditional system has become subject to abuse, with children ending up in the custody of unscrupulous guardians unknown to parents, sometimes as a result of trafficking by commercial middlemen, children fostered in such circumstances are likely to receive less effective, care and support than other children in the household and sometimes to be ruthlessly exploited.

Poverty has driven millions of Nigerians children into types of labors that are exploitative, hazardous and prejudicial to their welfare and development. Poverty, along with certain cultural traits, has also resulted in the spread of child begging.

 Some children out of hunger, tend to engage in begging to meet necessity of life. Child begging has many negative effect like:
-  it is time-consuming in that it does not allow a child to learn, secondly,
- they end up engaging in deviant types of behavior such as
1. theft 2. pick-pocketing, 3. thuggery 4. vandalism,

Millions of Nigerian children face special problems of disadvantages, discrimination, abuse and exploitation, sometimes in appealing circumstances. These problems not only compound the risks of survival create for middable obstacles for the development of children, but are major challenges in their own right, requiring special protection measures if they are to be addressed effectively.


Not only does child abuse have many societal consequences, but also individual consequences that produce life long scars. We have a responsibility as human beings to do all that we can for these children. Some of us fulfilled this responsibility by promoting awareness, donating time, money or services by generating laws, passed and by enforcing laws that protect children from all kinds of abuse. Through referral in the community, counseling and preventing method, children abuse and maltreatment will decrease as society becomes more aware of the consequences. It is important to examine the physical, emotional and mental effect of child abuse as many children can develop serious issues as adult when abused.


As a matter of fact, children needs parental care, therefore, parents should try as much as possible to give their children full attention and close supervision. Parent should also stop the act of sending their children to foster parents. The wisdom behind this is that, parent should only bear children that they can be able to carter for. Birth regulation should play an important role here. Because high rate of childbirth plus poverty leads to child abuse and molestation.


Parents should also understand that beating children and all sort of punishment meted out to children are dangerous to their health. There are “hundred and ten” ways of discipline; one must not inflict his child with all sort of punishment as a measure of discipline.


Government on their side should take all appropriate legislative administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all sorts of physical mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect and maltreatment.

Government has initiated policies that tend to rehabilitate abused child. These programs or policies have less impact because they are based mainly on treatment of the abused children and less on the abuser.


In order to decrease the instances of child abuse, the Nigerian government needs to institute treatment programs for people education for parents to help them cope with stresses that may cause to abuse their children.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Become one of the gifted, empowered women God is raising up.


First of all, Galatians 3:13-14 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
This is a very familiar scripture to most believers. It is a foundational truth in our lives. We have been redeemed from everything under the curse of the law. We don’t have to put up with it! There has been much teaching about our redemption from sin, from sickness and disease, from poverty, but not much teaching about the part of the curse that has to do with our children. That is what I want to focus attention on here.
The curse of the law, stated in Deuteronomy 28, mentions children in two verses: Verse 32 says, “Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.” Verse 41 says, “Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity.”
This is the testimony of many parents today. They watch helplessly as their children are taken captive by the world—drugs, alcohol, perversion and so forth.
As believers, we can use our authority and stand against these forces. According to Galatians 3:13, Jesus has broken the power of the curse, so we have the right to order Satan out of our children’s lives.
Like most parents, a particular woman called Gloria and her husband kenneth had to deal with the problems of rebellion in their children. they realized that it had to be stopped quickly before it developed into a serious situation. Don’t be guilty of ignoring symptoms of rebellion when your children are small. Don’t simply excuse it as a stage they are going through and think that they will grow out of it. If you ignore it when they are small, you won’t be able to handle it when they get older and the rebellion has had time to develop into a strong force. When they saw this occurring, theye immediately went to the Word. Gloria spent much time searching for scriptures they could use to combat these forces. Then they both came together and confessed these scriptures before God. We took authority in the spirit world and refused to give Satan any room to operate. This is our responsibility as Christian parents. A child does not understand the spiritual forces coming against him, so it is up to the parents to fight the spiritual battles and keep Satan out of the child’s life.
This is what they did 1. We used the Word and exercised our authority over rebellion at work 2. they took every opportunity to minister love to the children. 3. Whenever they came around them, they would express their love in some way. It didn’t take long for them to begin responding to that love. Don’t hesitate to show love to your children. They will respond to it. ACCORDING TO THEM: '(It wasn’t always easy. There were times when we wanted to break down and cry or lose our temper or do something in the natural, but we would remember Jeremiah 31:16-17, “Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they [your children] shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border.” My own mother cried over me for 15 years. Then one morning she threw her Bible on the kitchen table and said, “Lord, I’ve cried over him for the last time. I’m turning him over to You. If You can do anything with him, do it. I’m through!” In less than a month from that day, I was saved!)'

Mothers, take God’s Word for it. Receive Jeremiah 31:16-17 for yourself. Stop weeping for your children and start believing the Word. That’s the only thing that will bring them around.
Fathers, I am speaking to you too! It’s time for the fathers to get involved in the spiritual activities of their families. For too long, the women have carried more than their share of family responsibility. Husbands and fathers, get on your knees before God and accept your place as head of your household. You are the prophet from God to your family. This is not a lightweight thing; it takes a commitment on your part to fulfill your responsibilities. Get yourself straight before God, then see to your children. If necessary, go to your kids and ask their forgiveness for neglecting them.

I have had to learn these things the hard way, and I know what I am talking about.
II Peter 2:9 says that God knows how to deliver. He knows how to do it, so give Him the opportunity. It doesn’t matter where your children are—in the room or a thousand miles away. You don’t have to be in their presence to take authority over Satan.

Christian women are often led to believe they were created inferior to men, destined to play a secondary role. Proverbs 31 gets morphed into a judgment, the sole standard against which many feel like frauds or failures. But the Bible has much more to say about women!

Looking into the lives of 22 mold-breaking women of the Bible, bestselling author and women's advocate J. Lee Grady shows that God enables His daughters for amazing--even impossible--exploits. Lee also reveals the empowering, often-overlooked gifts God gives each of His daughters--gifts like wisdom, fruitfulness, boldness and leadership. When women accept and use these gifts, they can live the fearless and beautiful lives of purpose God has ordained for them

In a day and age where the world tells our daughter’s that their worth is only found in how they look or what they do, they need to know that they are valued and loved first and foremost for who God has made them to be.

That above all else they are cherished and loved as daughters of the most High King.
As parents we must be on the front lines in the battle for their hearts because if we don’t…someone else will!


Saturday, 15 June 2013


Your child's health includes physical, mental and social well-being. Most parents know the basics of keeping children healthy, like offering them healthy foods , making sure they get enough sleep and exercise and insuring their safety.

  "Time to get ready for bed!" someone calls from the other room. Oh, no! You're really into the great book you're reading or that computer game that you're winning.
"Why do I have to go to bed?" you ask.
 "Sleep is boring, and I'm not even tired!"

But sleep is more important than you may think. Maybe you can think of a time when you didn't get enough sleep. That heavy, groggy feeling is awful and, when you feel that way, you're not at your best. So if you're not too tired, let's talk about sleep.

Why You Need Sleep

The average kid has a busy day. There's school, taking care of your pets, running around with friends, going to sports practice or other activities, and doing your homework. Phew! It's tiring just writing it all down. By the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows your body to rest for the next day.
Everything that's alive needs sleep to survive. Even your dog or cat curls up for naps. Animals sleep for the same reason you do — to give your body a tiny vacation.

Your Brain Needs Zzzzzs

Not only is sleep necessary for your body, it's important for your brain, too. Though no one is exactly sure what work the brain does when you're asleep, some scientists think that the brain sorts through and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems while you snooze.
Most kids between 5 and 12 get about 9.5 hours a night, but experts agree that most need 10 or 11 hours each night. Sleep is an individual thing and some kids need more than others.
When your body doesn't have enough hours to rest, you may feel tired or cranky, or you may be unable to think clearly. You might have a hard time following directions, or you might have an argument with a friend over something really stupid. A school assignment that's normally easy may feel impossible, or you may feel clumsy playing your favorite sport or instrument.

One more reason to get enough sleep: If you don't, you may not grow as well. That's right, researchers believe too little sleep can affect growth and your immune system — which keeps you from getting sick.

So dear parents, it is also important for children to get regular checkups with their health care provider. These visits are a chance to check your child's development. They are also a good time to catch or prevent problems.

Other than checkups, school-age children should be seen for the following:
  • Significant weight gain or loss
  • Sleep problems or change in behavior
  • Fever higher than 102
  • Rashes or skin infections
  • Frequent sore throats
  • Breathing problems                                                                              


Thursday, 9 May 2013


Life has storms, life has ups and downs. There are breaking points in life, there are also break through points. There are times when you feel like giving up but at other times you feel like going on.

Even Jesus Christ the author and the finisher of our faith said that in this world we will have tribulations but encouraged us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. John 16:33.

Jesus was not threatening us when He talked about the tribulations, because He gave us a solution which many of us have failed to continually apply. He said we should be of good cheer, that is we should be joyful.
 Many of us carry about a squeezed face in worry; thinking may be God will pity us. If God was to pity us then a large percentage of people would have gotten their miracles by worrying. God expects us to be joyful even in the storms of life because Joy brings the presence of God. Joy will bring God into every storm. And when God is in the fire with you, you will not feel the heat and you will come out better and brighter. Is God in that storm with you? Don’t just hurry up to say yes. The true test of God being in the storm with you is to be joyful and rejoice. Remember in Daniel 3; when the three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fire they were singing and a fourth man appeared. They didn’t cry or complain. Joy is a display of confidence in God; joy is also what brings God’s presence into every storm, Psalms 16:11.

 When trials come, don’t forget there is someone who can bring you peace. After a long day of teaching, Jesus Christ boarded a ship with His Apostles. They were going across the Sea of Galilee to teach the people on the other side. Christ was asleep when a storm came upon them. The Apostles began to fear the storm as they were tossed by the winds and water filled their boat. They awoke Jesus, crying, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” (Mark 4:38).

Christ arose and calmed the winds and waves with His power, saying“Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39). He turned to His Apostles and asked, “Where is your faith?” (Luke 8:25). Christ gently chastised them for being fearful and not remembering that He can calm the tossing seas during a storm.
I recently heard a friend say that “life is a storm sometimes.” How true that is! Life can be tempestuous, tossing us with winds of misfortune, grief, shame, or stress.

Christ not only calms the physical seas, but He can also calm the seas within our minds and souls.
Christ not only calms the physical seas, but He can also calm the seas within our minds and souls. Do we call on Heavenly Father and His Son when the waters of anguish begin to fill our ship? Do we have the faith to trust in Christ?
It’s hard to remember there is someone who can bring peace when we are being tossed so hard that we feel like we can barely hang on. Sometimes in life we just try to outlast the storm, forgetting to call on the One who can calm it.
Peace may not always come as it did that long-ago day on Galilee—the storms and winds may not be replaced by perfect calm. Instead, when we hasten to call on the Master and allow Him to bear our burdens, our peace may come in small reminders of His love and care, giving us strength to get through the storm.
That is what happened to me one April. The end of another school year was fast approaching—and with it came the cares, worries, and work I had experienced during the past nine months. I was exhausted, emotional, and lonely. I felt like I was being tossed by the storms of life. Church service was coming up one weekend in April and it was to be a special anointing service, and I earnestly looked forward to hearing the prophet of God speak to me, hoping to feel a calmness enter my “sinking soul.”
A closing hymn brought great peace. As the choir sang the third verse, I felt the Spirit calm the seas inside me:
Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, …
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

It is our faith in Christ’s calming power and our hastening to call for His help that allows Him to calm our hearts during life’s storms.
My storm may not have been as tempestuous as the storms others face, but it is not the velocity of the storm that makes our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ willing to help us. It is our faith in Christ’s calming power and our hastening to call for His help that allows Him to calm our hearts during life’s storms.

Joy Can Be Ours

“My brothers and sisters, however dark conditions may seem in this world today, whatever the storms we are facing personally, in our homes and our families, this joy can be ours now. …

“… Our faith in Him and obedience to His commandments will bring ‘a perfect brightness of hope’ [2 Nephi 31:20] and dispel the darkness and gloom of despair in these troubled times. The One who had power to calm the elements of earth has power to calm our souls, to give us refuge from the storm” (Robert D. Hales, “Faith through Tribulation Brings Peace and Joy,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2003, 18).

Finally joy is a weapon you war with when things begin to go bad. God will deliver you from every storm and you will come out better and brighter in JESUS PRECIOUS NAME.

RPF: RPF Youth Wing

RPF: RPF Youth Wing:  Showing True Genuine Love as a Youth I don't know much about Stacey, but I know that she'd never met or cared about anyone like B...

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


I welcome everyone to the month of Grace. May the Grace of God never leave us.  Being in unity is powerful.

Definition of agreement
It means to come into or be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion.

There is war over what you agree with because there is power in agreement. there are five important areas in a mans life that you need to be solid in. these areas are:
1. God
2. Your identity
3. Your future
4. Your relationships
5. Your Council

 I would focus on our need to be in agreement in two areas, agreement with God and with each other. Remember, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish when we come into agreement with each other.

 Matthew 18:19-20
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

The power of unity is a universal principle, not just a church-principle. People working together toward an agreed upon goal are all but unstoppable. Early in the history of humankind, God stated this truth:

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men move eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, ‘Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They used brick instead of stone, and tar  for  mortar. Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’ But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.’” (Gen. 11:1- 6).

God had to disrupt unity and divide the human race in order to stop them from bringing destruction. The power of their unity was so great that God Himself declared that “nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” Humankind was unified for a purpose of their own—a purpose that would bring disaster on the earth. God had to scatter the human race until the day when He could reverse the division and restore unity—until the day when He, by His indwelling Spirit, could bring humans into agreement with Him and, finally, with each other. The unity described in Genesis was dangerous because humans were in agreement with each other, but not in agreement with God.

Spiritual Agreement in Prayer

Spiritual agreement is something different from having the same opinion. It goes much deeper. Agreement among believers begins in the heart of each individual believer before God. It’s a simple matter to find someone who “agrees” with you—someone who has the same opinion of what God should do in any given matter. This kind of agreement, in fact, weakens prayer. Why? Because two people who are drawn together because they have the same opinion will strengthen that opinion in each other. These two people will feed each other’s “arguments and pretensions” and will actually keep each other from hearing from God. Opinions about how God should handle a certain matter are ALWAYS dangerous. A pray-er who is listening to God can know what God wants to do but not how He is going to do it. He wants to “fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding “( Col. 1:9), but “his paths are past tracing out” (Rom. 11:33).
As believers, we have strongholds. Strongholds, as referred to in 2 Corinthians 10:4, are fortresses. Fortresses are erected to defend or protect something within their walls. These fortresses, Scripture says, are built out of arguments and pretensions. Arguments and pretensions serve to protect lies and stubborn opinions.
           ”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons
             we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power
             to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up
             against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to
             Christ” (2 Cor.10:3-5).

“The weapons we fight with” are prayers—words initiated by God and voiced  believers. We don’t tear down strongholds with brute force or our bare hands. We don’t tear down strongholds with arguments and reasoning. We tear them down with prayer.When we allow strongholds to exist and protect our favorite opinions, we cannot hear God’s Voice. How can you know if you have a stronghold protecting an opinion or an attitude? By how many arguments you need to support and justify it! So you can see that if two people who have erected strongholds to protect the same opinion come together, the result will not be the tearing down of strongholds, but the strengthening of strongholds.
            ”Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be
             done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name,
             there am I with them” (Matt. 18:19-20).

What does it mean, then, to agree in prayer? The word translated “agree” is a word from which we get the English word, “symphony.” It means to harmonize, to blend several voices into one. The word “agree”means to be in harmony, but not necessarily in unison.With whom must a pray-er agree? He must agree with God. A pray-er must be in agreement with the intercession of Jesus, who is always in agreement with the will of
God. When more than one intercessor, each of whom is in agreement with God, come together to pray God’s will, then anything they ask Him to do, He will do.
                   “Where two or three come together in [His] name...,”
 concerted intercession produces effects on the earth. The word translated “come together” is a the Greek word sunago, which means “to join together; to make one.” It is the composite of two words: sun, which means to bring into complete union, and ago, which means to lead, guide or induce. The verb is in the passive tense, which means that the subject (two or three intercessors) is acted upon. They do not come together
 we must make the decision to stop        fighting against God and turn over every aspect of  our lives to Him. When we can accomplish this, we will begin to walk in full agreement with Him. In order for us to come into agreement with God we must believe. There can be no agreement if there is no belief. If we believe then we can agree. If we do not believe then we cannot agree. What is it that we must believe? That Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Once we believe this, we come into agreement with God and enter His family.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked to agree to something that in your heart you did not believe in? When this happened, was there not a conflict in what your beliefs were versus what you were being asked to do? If we do not fundamentally believe in what we are being asked to do, it is nearly impossible for us to do it with a clear conscience. If you cannot agree with something it is impossible to believe in it. Therefore if you can agree with something it becomes possible to believe in it.Now once we believe, something else starts to happen. When we come into God’s family the bible says that the love that we have for God will be extended to others because we are keeping God’s commandments. When we keep God’s commandments we are in agreement with Him. However,  it is impossible to love God and not love His other children. Our love for each other becomes the evidence that we are in agreement with God and are keeping His commandments. But notice the benefit, the bible says that everyone who is born of God “overcomes the world.” 

The Power of Agreement in Marriage

The power of agreement is one of the most important themes we find in the bible.  This is particularly true when it comes to marriage.  Words like “agreement”, “unity”,  “oneness”, “being one” and “covenant”, are meant to convey powerful word pictures to encourage us to choose this blessed way of alignment for ourselves.  Jesus himself through the entirety of John 17 fervently prays that oneness would be a reality in the lives of all that would follow after him.

 Marriage, the union of two persons blending their two lives into one. Marriage, the climatical expression of love telling the whole world that this is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life least until the honeymoon is over. The honeymoon stage is such a blissful time and then...reality sets in. After the honeymoon stage is over many may ask, "Do I really know this person?" One may come to the realization that the blending of two lives, ideas, thought patterns, family and friend selection is harder than first imagined.

As married couples in covenant with one another, we have an anointing and calling to be in agreement with both each other and also with God. Why is the blending of two lives so difficult? Consider this: We want everyone to agree with how we do things. As a single person, it's not necessary to get anyone to agree with you. You do things your way. However in a marriage, we are becoming one with a person who may or may not do things the way we think they should be done. And guess what? That's okay.   It is the picture of that threefold cord given to us in scripture that is not easily broken.  Just as the cord is tightly wrapped together so we are as couples to be wrapped around Christ and his word. When, as a couple, we make decisions to go our own way and build our own towers of what we will call a marriage, we can expect the following:
  1. We immediately place ourselves in opposition to God and his will.
  2. We immediately place ourselves in agreement with the Evil One.
  3. We can expect to become temporarily invigorated with our new “mission”.
  4. We will eventually fall into disillusionment.
  5. We will then progressively fall into disappointment and despair.
  6.  If we do not repent and align with the Lord, we will go through the same process all over again.
  7. If we never come to the place of repentance, failed attempts will continue to promote ever changing aberrant marital constructs that can, over time, become hopeless, unbiblical, societal norms.
On the other hand, when we realize that we can walk in the power of grace the Lord has given us to align with one another and His word, we can expect the following:
  1. We will immediately step into God’s grace and place ourselves under the full, unadulterated unifying power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. We will immediately put God himself between us and the enemy of our blessed covenant of marriage.
  3. We will immediately be infused with encouragement and favor to be everything God has meant for us to be.
  4. We will continue to become encouraged as we experience God’s transforming power in our marital relationship.
  5. We will become stronger, more confident and more determined to follow God’s will for our marriage.
  6. We will become excellent examples of a godly marriage that will become an encouragement to others.
When we adopt this principle of agreement with God and one another as a foundation for our marriage, it serves to direct everything we both do and do not do.    It becomes a restrictive track on which we run that will take us to a place of promise, blessing and favor.  Who wouldn’t want that? I have purposely used the word “restrictive” because that is exactly what God’s track is.  Just like a railroad track defines where the train starts and finishes so does every other track. We’ve all heard of the common expression, “being off track or getting off track”.  Things start looking unfamiliar.  My level of confidence in where I’m going begins to weaken.  We can be the most beautiful people, physically attractive, great personalities, financially successful, well educated, well loved by others and either go nowhere because we have become distracted by some other goal and jumped the track or end up in the wrong place because we have chosen to define what a marriage will be for ourselves and gone our own way. Potential and good intentions never guarantee progress towards any goal.  Potential, when it is properly directed and developed in the right way, produces progress to attain that goal.

In conclusion, the beauty of the human race is that each of us have our own fingerprint and no one else's fingerprint is exactly like the other. No one else's fingerprint is exactly like yours and because of that we can make a concious decision to just get along and live with our differences. Our differences is what makes each of us unique. I can love you for you and you can love me for me even with our disagreements. That's the beauty of our differences. God made us that way. He created each of us different. Embrace the differences. Learn from the differences.

When we approach the subject of marriage from the standpoint of agreeing with what God has already set in order, we will reap the successful, fulfilling relationship He has planned for us.


Friday, 3 May 2013

The Giving Hand

When love comes your way
I hope you smile and closely embrace it,
Like a rare and priceless gift
Hold on to it close and cherish it… each and every day

For there will be a day
That will surely come along
When a love like this
Your heart will truly miss

Hold the hand of the giver
Memorize their loving embrace
Always say the words, “I love you”
As you look upon their face

For time does…
Slowly, yet steadily tic on by... we sigh
As the minutes, days, and years…
Seem to eagerly fly on by

And before you know it...
If by chance you’re sitting all alone
Reminiscing about your precious years
In the memories of the greatest love,
Two hearts have ever known

If you still can smile
Even through a time that is so sad
Then you were given one of the greatest gifts
In this world to ever be had

So carry the memories with you
Hold them Oh, so close to your heart
For when you can dream and feel them near
Then you are truly never apart  

..................................................By Brenda Conley

The hand of a giver is always up, it never goes down! We need to cultivate the habit of a giving hand because it is blessed to give than to receive, Look around and locate a small child you can put a smile on her face just by giving a very small gift, the size of the gift does not matter but what really matters is the heart at which you give the gift. Show some love is all that matters.


 Hello, fans, friends, colleagues, advisers, sponsors and everyone who has contributed one way or the other to the success of all our programm. We have come to show our heartfelt gratitude to you all.  May the Lord God Almighty be with you all IJN Amen!!

Especially to all our sponsors we cannot thank you all enough. To mention but few..........Facebook Studios, Meeky's World Entertainment, Platinum Exclusive, BASOLU Global Resources ltd, Orange Fabric, OmegaSwaaf, 2012 AMJC President, etc......

Another camp is around the corner and we specially invite you all to this year batch B NYSC Kubwa Abuja, for our training programm coming up in July
 the time and date would be communicated to you as soon as possible. The names of our sponsors too would be communicated and certificate of appreciation would be issued to them and all the youth corpers offered free training would be issued certificate of participation after the programm.

The program promises to be educative, informative, inspirational and motivational.  
Thank you everyone.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


All we do is simply putting a smile into people faces. we put our trust in God who is the provider, protector and giver of life..............i could remember the day he walked up to me to ask me for a fan, He said that heat has almost killed him and rashes is all over him. I noted it and promise that we would do something about it. We thank God we were able to provide this for him and fived other families.

We just don't give out foodstuffs alone but we also give out household equipments, clothing materials and de-worming exercise to the less privilege, motherless babies home, orphans and entrepreneurial training to the youth. As we prepare for another community project coming up this month ending, ensure you put a smile on your neighbors face. you dont need to look far away from you that young chap or the old woman dclosdde to you needsd you more than you ever imagine. As you wake up daily always remeber to give out to some one who needs your love. GIVERS NEVER LACK.

Father we thank you

Father we thank you for how far you have brought us. Without you we are nothing. we thank you for your mercy, favor, blessings and love. MAY YOUR NAME BE GLORIFIED FOREVER AND EVER.